
As a medical educator, I am well aware of the emphasis that physicians’ training places on developing the mind: building knowledge and the ability to think. While medical schools also teach communication, professionalism and humanism, the mental training necessary to practice competent biological medicine often dampens down the compassion that drew a physician to the profession in the first place. With Avatar, people learn to stay open-hearted and clear-headed, with an attitude of equanimity, no matter the circumstances.

I've worked with many physicians who appreciate how Avatar tools help them bring the heart back into their medical practice. When physicians integrate head and heart, they are empowered to foster a more effective healing doctor-patient relationship, what Dr. Abraham Verghese calls “the superpower of being a great clinician.” Patients thrive within such a healing relationship, able to make the most of modern medical technology and treatment. When physicians align their powerful mental capability and training with their heartfelt good intentions, they feel more whole and satisfied as well.

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